Tuesday 29 May 2012

20 + 5 (Part 1)

Omg! I haven't blog for quite some times. Yes, I am busy with work. A LOT TO DO before end of June but I am not busy reading people's blog :). It is just that I have no idea what to write anymore since I moved to a new blog.

So I turned 25 last Sunday and I think this year is going to be the most unforgettable birthday ever!. Everything was great! From A to Z. I was so happy the way it turned out to be. So any here's the story...

First celebration:

Boyfriend and his friends actually had planned my surprise for a week. I didn't know anything about it. He held a bbq surprise for me and invited our friends and my best friend. Actually a few days before macam nak kantoi dah because one of his friend update his status on bbm about having a bbq with Corleone family (my boyfriend's football team) but dia cover balik that he actually kene tipu. Me being so blur percaya laa..hehe. After that came Friday (the day that everything happened). S was being sooooo EXTRA nice to me but I didn't smell something fishy pun.

I came back from class after Friday prayer and he was not at home. So I slept till 5 because I was so sleepy. At night I said to him I feel like having Chatime (my must-have-everyweek-drink). Later at night we went out and as usual dah keluar ajak his friends lepak.....

The plan was to lepak Carlos Usj but we had to go to Puchong to fetch his friend (lets name him F hehe). Dah sampai Puchong S macam buat-buat lupa jalan to F house. I lagi la tak ingat. Malam pulak tue. Lagi susah nak cari landmark because F house macam a bit dalam sikit. Jalan punya jalan ada this one junction I am SO confident that is the junction to the house but S was like 

'bukan lahh b..not there..depan lagi' and I was like...

'yerrrrr...sini laa..i so remember this kedai..masuk sini b..siniiii!!' haha

Sampai jer his house I macam...

"b..tadi F kata dia takde kereta...b..kenapa ada bakar2 ayam nie..b..kenapa ada kereta semua orang" banyak betul tanya. Masuk-masuk jer rumah "surpriseeeee" haha. Diaorg pun ter-surprise jugak sebab macam wrong timing sikit. haha. I was so speechless and happy at the same time. hehe. Terharu sebab ada yang baru balik keje...ada yang busy assignments but still managed to help and my friends came all the way from KL just to see me! hehe.

ME = Muka selebet and oily. Peluh. Fatty fatty Boom boom. 
Thank you EVERYONE!!!

***There's another surprise for me from my lovely girls. Wait for the next post :)

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